Tadka / Bamboo Gardens

 Bamboo Gardens
11105 State Bridge Rd , Alpharetta, GA 30022.
⭐⭐⭐⭐4 Stars

Tadka is connected Bamboo Garden, so it allows for the clients to choose their delights according to the menu. Tadka is Indian cuisine and Bamboo Garden is Chinese cuisine done Indian style.

We ended up staying in the Tadka section only because we got all comfy on the sofa seats and were warming up by the fireplace. Tadka is decorated very rustic and very simple but comfortable.

I ordered a Mango Martini, since mangos are a favorite of the Indians. Since I always order Mango lassi at restaurants I wanted to play it up. 

I ordered a main course to share of course: the lamb biryani. It was heavenly, so good that I hoped that no one finished it all so that I could have some to take home in a doggie bag.

I also wanted to comment that the Indochinese fried rice from Bamboo Gardens is also a great choice, they have four to choose from and are quite spicy, delicious and also has the satisfying Chinese wok taste and smell but substituted with Basmati rice and with the hint of chilies to give it a pleasant kick in your mouth. My Favorites are the Burnt Garlic & Chili fried rice and the Biryani. It was good to the last grain!


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